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Why NFC First

A talk with Evelien Mooij about the role of remote identity verification in banking and the experiences Rabobank has with ReadID. Maarten Wegdam, CEO of ReadID, presents a deep dive on how NFC-First identity verification works.

Remote identity verification in banking

Rabobank, one of the largest Dutch banks, continues to innovate and digitise in order to achieve the best customer experience. To make banks reliable and accessible for every customer. Onboarding new customers and thereby verifying the identity of the person was a time-consuming manual process with a large failure rate.

In collaboration with ReadID, the development of the Rabo Mobile identification app was initiated: an onboarding app in which all information could be processed quickly, safely and without errors, exclusively via an app on your smartphone.

“The need to improve the speed, user-friendliness and quality of the onboarding process was evident”

The results (April 2020) are above expected:

  • Online channel share has improved from 35% last year to 60% 
  • It is easy for customers to interact with the solution. Rabobank achieved a Customer Effort Score of 86%
  • Every day 300 customers use the Rabobank mobile onboarding app

Want to learn more about government-grade security for identity verification?

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