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Rabobank start mobile identification

The Rabobank, one of the largest Dutch banks, issued a press release on mobile identification, explaining that the legally required identification can now be done using a mobile app. 

Customers thus do not have to go to a branch anymore, instead they can be do this on their mobile phone within a few minutes.


Mobile identification is now available for young people turning 18. From 18 years onwards it is a legal obligation to identify themselves to their bank. Especially this group is not inclined to go to a bank branch for an administrative obligation, so mobile identification can reduce the risk of churn. A second group of customers that in the near future can use mobile identification are board members of foundations, when new board members do not have to visit a branch anymore.

The Rabobank mobile identification app on Android uses our software product ReadID: the NFC functionality of the smartphone reads and verifies the contactless chip in the passport, ID card or driving license. For the Rabobank we integrated ReadID with iProov to match a selfie with the face image from the identity document, including liveness check. See also the screenshots below.

In a recent article Mobile verification of e-documents in the FinTech magazine: Coming of Age, Evelien Mooij, product manager customer processes with Rabobank’s Digital Bank department, was quoted saying: “Rabobank will implement the ReadID solution, in the fourth quarter of this year (2017), to offer customers in a specific target group the option to use mobile identification, instead of coming to the bank’s branch. The main driver is to make the identification process much more convenient.”. 


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Interested in NFC-based identity verification? Our free personal app ReadID Me is available in the App and Plays stores. No personal information is shared with Inverid or other parties; it is a client-only verification.

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