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Inverid complies with SOC2 type 2

Inverid is proud to announce that it has achieved a Service Organization Control 2 (SOC2) Type 2 accreditation. The accreditation and underlying comprehensive report provide an independent assessment of the operating effectiveness of Inverid’s security and privacy control environment for safeguarding customer data.

During a rigorous period of examination, independent audit firm Crowe FST Audit Ltd Hungary assessed the controls in place at Inverid and determined that these controls meet the AICPA’s Trust Services Principles for Security, Availability, Confidentiality, Processing Integrity, and Privacy. The audit was conducted in parallel with the eIDAS, ISO27001 and ISO 27701 audits performed by TUV Trust IT.

Developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), SOC 2 is widely recognized as a gold standard for data security and requires companies to establish and follow strict information security policies and procedures. This means that Inverid’s security system and controls adhere to applicable trust services criteria that customers demand for regulatory compliance and that need detailed information and assurance about the specific controls in place. The assurance is important for Inverid as well as its customers as the ReadID software product of Inverid securely handles large amounts of personal data. Customers need to be able to trust Inverid to do so with utmost care.

“Our SOC2 assessment together with our earlier eIDAS certifications proves an unequalled trustworthiness of both our ReadID technology and the company throughout our processes.” Maarten Wegdam, CEO ReadID

Customers can use the SOC2 type 2 report to assure that Inverid has significant processes and security measures in place to protect user data and privacy, according to Bob Hulsebosch, compliance officer at Inverid. Inverid is also ISO 27001, ISO 27701 and eIDAS certified, testamenting its commitment to making sure that customer data is private and secure. This unique package of certifications and assurances makes Inverid stand out in the industry

“ReadID disrupts the remote identification industry, which still largely relies on unreliable OCR and video identification technologies,” said Maarten Wegdam, CEO and co-founder of Inverid. “Our SOC2 assessment together with our earlier eIDAS certifications proves an unequalled trustworthiness of both our ReadID technology and the company throughout our processes.”

Read more about our certifications


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